Sunday, May 3, 2009

Let the games begin!

Well,the potty training games:) That is right. We have started potty training! I know,I know,needed to be done a long time ago. I just didn't see the point in starting it if he was not ready. Today he asked to go potty,so I figured now is as good of time as any. He loves to sit on his potty and read. We sat there for five minutes and NOTHING! I think mommy needs to bring a book next time around. He loves his new big boy underwear! He has been showing them off all evening. I can already tell this will be a fun process. Any tips? I'm up for hearing them! Wish us luck. I am guessing we will need it.


Kimmy-Kins said...

UGH! We are starting that process as well. I haven't bought the underwear yet, but we look at it everytime we go to the store and talk about it and make a big deal about it. I'm thinking I'm going to wait until summer and we'll be outside A LOT while she wears little summer dresses. I think we'll even put the potty outside. She's good about telling me AFTER she goes! LOL! Good luck! I'll be comisserating with you!!

The Barker Clan said...

I had two boys and I still don't think I know how to potty train! I think the fact that he wants to go is the biggest step. The books I read said to take them to the potty every hour, which is a pain, but then you don't have accidents and they have plenty of chances to go. Rewards for going potty are always a good incentive. I am sure we will be talking soon, so I will leave it at that :)

Abs said...

You should talk to my sis, Amy. She is the master of potty training. All her kids are potty trained day and night before they turned two. The biggest thing I learned from her is to not give up. Once you start, NEVER go back to diapers of pull-ups. It lets your kids know they have and out. Make him drink lots of liquid and sit him on the potty every half hour at first. That really worked for me and talk a lot about what he is feeling. I also bought some play dough and Izzy would be excited to sit on the potty and play with it. That's all.