Sunday, February 15, 2009


I have never really been into valentine's day. It is easy to get away from showing that you appreciate the one you love so, I guess it is nice to have a day that you can take the time to make sure that that special someone knows how you feel. This year was our first valentine's as a married couple. I decided I didn't want to go out. Too busy. Too expensive. Plus, I wanted the kids to be with us. I just made dinner and we had a relaxing night. I made stuffed crab, parmesean pork, veggie, potatoes and stawberry shortcake for dessert. I rented Fireproof. It ended up being a good movie. Trevor has been asking for a coffee mug. So, earlier in the week the kids and I set out to make him one. So now daddy has a coffee mug with the all of our pictues on it to take to school and class. Jaydon picked him out a candy bar and a nice card. Aunty Karen joined us for dinner. She does so much for us I thought it would be nice to give something back. I got to use ALL four of my nice dishes so that was a plus:) Jaydon enjoyed helping me decorate and set the table. Three wine glasses and a juice box completed our dinner table. Hope everyone had a nice valentine's day!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

I love your dishes! It looks like you had a great Valentines Day. We had a low key day as well, and it was great. Your kids are looking cute as ever. Take care!