Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I went to the store today and got....
-Five packs of scott's toilet paper for .30
-Five boxes of post cereal for $4.58 PLUS after I purchased it five dollar catilina printed. (Albertson's money)
-Three 16oz bottles of kraft dressing for .50

Now I've never been good at math but I know thats a ton of savings!!!!!!!!!
I technically got paid to shop!!
Trev says I am obsessed with this new blog that lets me know about all these savings. uh... DUH! My picture of all my groceries wouldn't load on the computer. I will try later. Thought I would share my great evening with you! Jealous? Visit the blog yourself at krazycouponlady.blogspot.com! You will not regret it!!


Kimmy-Kins said...

I've heard these stories before but always felt they were exaggerating. I'm glad to know a real life person that gets it to work for them! I can't wait to get on this blog!! Thanks for passing it on!

lockettclan said...

Good job on the sales. Maybe when I have more time I can do the same (yeah right) I am glad I got on your sight. I forgot what I called my blogspot. Maybe now I can get it caught up. Maybe when you come down next week you can teach me what to do!

Brittany said...

I'm glad your a Krazy Coupon Lady! It's so fun!

Joanie Demer said...

Do you know how much you made me feel loved today? Seriously, THANK YOU. send KCL an email so I can thank you more profusely and not look like an idiot!